Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Awards & Meme Time

Alrighty! Instead of providing you with a "real" post, today I take care of some administrative stuff.

Palidor of Crazy Asian Gal tagged me with this "7 Things"-type meme. If you haven't visited her blog already, I suggest you do so ASAP because it's really wonderful!


  1. Acknowledge the person who gave you the award (thank you very much, Palidor)
  2. Nominate 7 other blogs
  3. Share 7 personality traits.
My 7 personality traits:

1. Stubborn
2. Daydreamy
3. Honest (sometimes too much so)
4. Impatient (but I'm working on it)
5. Perfectionistic
6. Helpful
7. Determined

As for tagging seven others...I'm not going to do this, even though it's an official rule of the meme. I often opt not to tag, but rather invite those of you who would like to take this up to do so if they wish. So, if you do this, let me know, OK?

Secondly, Girlichef tagged me with a "Joy of Reading" meme. Here are the rules for it:
1. Collect the book that you have most handy.
2. Turn to page 161
3. Find the 5th complete sentence.
4. Site the sentence on your blog
5. Pass it on to 5 other bloggers.

OK, so the book I have most handy is You Know You're a Writer When... by Adair Lara. It's a cool little book that my friend Charlie sent me recently after he reviewed it on his blog. Unfortunately, this book is only 90 pages long, so I guess I can't use that. So, the book second closest to me is a novel by Elizabeth Haydon entitled Rhapsody, which I recently reviewed here. Great book, especially if you love fantasy fiction. Here is the requested sentence:

Grunthor plucked a long dagger from behind the small of his back and presented it to her with a deep bow.

So, there you go!

Again, I won't tag anyone, but if you'd like to participate, let me know.

Thanks guys!


Heather S-G said...

Thanks for participating, Coyote! What a great line from your book :D And always fun to learn a little insight into those we interact w/ on a (basically) daily basis!

Creative Classroom Core said...

Congrats on your award!
I love your blog - I just added you to the "blogs to check out" section of my blog :)

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

You are indeed very helpful. Thanks for all the advice on my blog...

And what are you doing with the Huckleberries?

Dewi said...

Congratulation on the award. How wonderful to know you a bit more.

Wandering Coyote said...

Thanks everyone!

Dave: I am freezing them all for now. I went out and picked another 6 - 7 cups yesterday, too!

Palidor said...

Thanks for posting! I'm soooo impatient too. Like, I want things to have happened yesterday. :-P

I used to love reading fantasy novels. I still have a bunch of unread novels on my shelf. You've reminded me that I should get around to reading them!

Bob said...

Heh, you've done that meme before! :D I'll probably participate in the book one again.

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

freezing them...so you didn't even consider prison toilet wine? I was envisioning a new throwdown challenge series, kind of a Tuesdays with Dorrie thing, maybe Thursdays with Big Mike from Cell Block D

Just a thought, feel free to use it if you like, no need to credit me

NKP said...

So nice to learn a few new things about fellow bloggers!
Congrats on your well deserved award.

Wandering Coyote said...

Dave: no, no all - ideas are on the table still, but because they're so fresh and need to be used quickly and I have so many of them, I need to preserve them in the freezer until I get around to using them!

Reeni said...

I love fantasy - always looking for good ones. Thanks for sharing!

Thistlemoon said...

This was great! Ahahaha I am stubborn too!

Tina said...

Do you just freeze them in a zip lock bag? Will they last months without freezer burn?


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