Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Garden Bounty: Beans and Dill

This year I planted a garden. I haven't done this since childhood, but in the spirit of the 100 Mile Diet and general greening, I decided to plant a small veggie patch this year. It's been quite the adventure, and I'm not sure I'm enjoying it as much as I thought I would.

My garden has seen its share of adversity. First, we had a really late spring and summer, so our already short growing season was made even shorter. We had snow on June 10, necessitating my scrambling to cover up my little seedlings - only planted two short weeks previously. The plants I started indoors didn't all survive the transplanting process, which was frustrating and unfortunate. I also had a seriously nasty, bitch of a weed that has caused me nothing but strife! And, let's not forget the neighbourhood cats that were digging around in the garden shortly after I planted it. We also had huge hail twice and a very damaging wind storm.

But, I am glad to say that some things have survived all the adversity! I have an actual bean crop. At first, it didn't look like I'd get many beans, and I jokingly said to my family that I had a whole four beans, but I guess I should have been more patient, because then I had nine beans, and then enough to actually count as a decent serving. And there are still more popping up on the plants! The other night, I harvested the wax beans to have with a meal. I also have healthy dill, which I'm very pleased about. Sockeye salmon is fresh in the stores now, so I made a dinner of wax beans, rice, and salmon with my dill and some lemon.

The beans were good. I mean, they're beans, right? They tasted beany. The dill was dilly - no surprise. The salmon was baked to perfection if I do say so myself. It was quite a lovely meal, actually, and for a few moments I was able to forget all the annoyances I'd experienced in bringing this dinner to my own table. For a few moments, it was all worth it.

Next up: I have a bumper crop of basil and a whack of lettuce I need to do something with.


Karen said...

Mmmm, looking good! Your beans turned out beautifully. So, the garden was a success :) As for me, I think I've had my fill of beans... we planted too many. Looking forward to the rest of this weeks posts!

Judith said...

What a fabulous looking meal. The folks in the 100 mile diet didn't have an easy time either BUT it was worth it.Just like your harvest will be worth it! Judith.

Wandering Coyote said...

Hmph. I'm not sure if I'll be doing the gardening thing next year. Luckily, I have a long time yet before I have to decide, but it's seemed like a lot of work for not a heck of a lot of pay-off.

redjane Stephanie Belding said...

mmmm basil! Pesto, pesto, pesto! Then yo can just pop 'em into ice cube trays and freeze them, using them when you need them....

Wandering Coyote said...

Oh, I'm definitely making pesto - trust me!

Cherie said...

YAY! You have a harvest of beans. I knew you could do it, weather be damned.

Isn't it satisfying to have a meal of foods from your own land, from the work of your body?

I have tons of basil, too. I've been drying it for later use. Much more flavor than the dry store-bought stuff. And we have lettuce still, which surprises me as hot as it's been. It's got afternoon shade and that must be why it's still around. No complaints here.

Good going WC!

Wandering Coyote said...

Thanks Cherie! Yes, I have an official bean crop. I must go and pick more today, actually. I've had some of my lettuce and it's fine, but it doesn't look great right now because of the ridiculously hot weather we've been having. I'd better just get out there and harvest it before I lose it altogether.


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